This study explores the potential use of digital technology to support outdoor mathematics teaching and learning processes. A study with an explorative research approach was conducted in Indonesia. A portal and a mobile app for the math trail program were created, and several math trail tasks were designed around the city and uploaded into a system by the teachers. Then, students run the activity with the help of a mobile app to find and solve mathematical modelling tasks around the city. Data were gathered using participatory observation, interviews, questionnaires, and worksheets. The findings indicate that a meaningful digital technology-supported mathematical outdoor activity was successfully designed and implemented. The use of digital technology has the potential to support teachers in facilitating outdoor mathematics teaching and learning processes. Students gained mathematical experiences, and their performance in mathematics has improved. Further studies are essential for project development and implementation in other cities with different situations and different aspects of study.
Cahyono, A. N., Ludwig, M. (2019). Teaching and Learning Mathematics around the City Supported by the Use of Digital Technology. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(1), em1654.
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