Category: News
Virtual Reality STEM Trails: Exploring Math Trails with STEM Education Approach in a Virtual World.
This study explores how STEM-based math trails may be conducted virtually. We used the STEM Education approach, math trails concept, and virtual reality technology to develop a town-based STEM learning environment. This project produced a virtual reality mobile app that can be used with Cardboard VR. Teachers build virtual trails with mathematics tasks related to…
Indonesia-Germany MathCityMap training: Shifting mobile math trails teacher training to a hybrid environment
This study aims to explore how MathCityMap training for teachers can be designed and implemented in a hybrid setting. Design research has been carried out involving teachers from 34 provinces in Indonesia. A four-day model training program for indoor and outdoor activities in a hybrid setting has been designed. The core concept of designing modelling…
The RoboSTE[M] Project: Using Robotics Learning in a STEM Education Model to Help Prospective Mathematics Teachers Promote Students’ 21st-Century Skills
Teacher education institutions strategically prepare prospective mathematics teachers with 21st-century skills to teach mathematics in schools. This study aimed to explore how mathematics lectures employing robotics in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education approach can contribute to the preparation of prospective mathematics teachers with 21st-century skills to teach mathematics in schools. The research…
Learning Mathematical Modelling with Augmented Reality Mobile Math Trails Program: How Can It Work?
This study aims to investigate how an augmented reality mobile math trails program can provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful mathematical modelling activities. An explorative research design involved two mathematics teachers and 30 eighth grades in Semarang, Indonesia. An Augmented Reality Mobile Math Trails App was created, and several math trail tasks were…
Teaching and Learning Mathematics around the City Supported by the Use of Digital Technology
This study explores the potential use of digital technology to support outdoor mathematics teaching and learning processes. A study with an explorative research approach was conducted in Indonesia. A portal and a mobile app for the math trail program were created, and several math trail tasks were designed around the city and uploaded into a…
Learning Mathematics in a Mobile App-Supported Math Trail Environment
This brief presents the results of a study on developing the mobile app-supported math trail program for learning mathematics. This study is a part of the MathCityMap-Project, a project of the MATIS I Team from IDMI Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany, that comprises math trails around the city that are supported by the use of GPS-enabled mobile…